3rd Day - 5th ICNS ~ SAKURA Science exchange ~
The 5th International Congress on Natural Sciences with Sisterhood Universities (ICNS-2024) Day 1
Opening Ceremony
09:30 -
Opening Address
10:00 - 10:30
Prof. Ohtori(主持人), Prof. Ushiki(新瀉大學校長), Prof. Matsuo(新瀉大學理學院代表)
Plenary Talks
10:40 - 11:15
Prof. Suthep Suantai, Chiang Mai University
Fixed point and optimization methods for machine learning with applications to data prediction and classifiaction
- Motivation
- The applications
- ChatGPT
- Stock market (more info from AI)
- autonomous vehicles
- medical uses/ health care
- Intuitive behind Neural Network (NN)
- hidden layer
- simple NN (SLFN)
- deep learning NN
- Goal of data analysis
- find insights
- predictions and classification
- The applications
- Extreme learning machine
- the word "extreme" is for "very fast"
- weight and bias are chosen ramdomly
- minimize
- find
by fixed pt. methods and (convex) opt. methods
- Fixed point method for ML
- find fixed pt. :
where - subdiff.
- forward-backward algo. (interations)
- find fixed pt. :
- Opt. method for ML
- line search tech.
- Convex Bilevel opt.
- App. in data prediction and classification
- New innovation for Big data prediction
11:15 - 11:50
Prof. Chi Yen Huang, National Changhua University of Education
Contact-free homogeneneous liquid crystal (LC) alignment realized using doping of organic rubrene molecules
- Introduction
- Applications
- unif. LC alignment
- LC lens(focus photo, clear image)
- a kind of meterial, align in order
- orientaiton is crucial
- Goal: control the orientation
- rubbing treatment
- dust
- surface damage
- elec. charge
- need contact-free method
- photo alignment
- polymer stabilization
- self assemble monolayer
- (2D) single crystal graphene (SCG)
- Applications
- Motivation
- weakly conductive layer (WCL)
- SCR can act as WCL
- can replace the rubbed method
- Method
- p-type organic semiconductor
electron stacking - XRD measurement
- Result
- alignment is determined by 當初填入的方向
- lower operation voltage
- excellent stability
- Extension
- variable pretilt angle
- determine the angle not only by filling direction
- Conclusions
13:30 - 14:05
Prof. Balaji R. Jagirdar, Indian Institute of Science
Tandem hetrogeneous catalysis for reversible hydrogen storage in liquid organic hydrogen carriers
- need clean power
- Hydrogen: good power
14:05 - 14:40
Prof. Mohamed Hatha Abdulla, Cochin University of Science and Technology
Role of Arctic Tern in the dissemination of antibiotic resistant bacteria during inter-hemisphere migration
Earth and Environmental Sciences
14:40 - 15:15
Prof. Chris Clark, Curtin University
Advances in integrating petrochronological and geodynamic models of high-grade matamorphic systems
Poster Session
15:30 - 17:40
- Coarse-grained forms for Langevin equations
Authors: Shuto Suzuki, Arika Yoshimori
Department of Physics, Niigata University - Influence of Upper-Tropospheric Cut-off Lows on Quasi-Stationary Convective Bands occurred in the Tohoku region
Authors: Tomonari TSUMORIa , Meiji HONDAb, Naoya TAKAHASHIb
a Graduate School of Science of Science and Technology, Niigata University
b Faculty of Science, Niigata University - Impact of Geographical and Climatic Factors on Melioidosis Hotspots in Southern Taiwan
Authors: Kuang-Yueh Chen1, Sung-Po Chao1, Chien-Cheng Chen2, Chung-Yuan Ren1
1 Department of Physics, National Kaohsiung Normal University
2 Department of Biotechnology, National Kaohsiung Normal University
Welcome Party
18:00 - 20:00
University 1st Cafeteria
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